Dr. Faustus MCQs

51. Undoubtedly, in scene ten of the play, Dr. Faustus becomes very interesting when one of the Emperor’s knights makes critical remarks on Dr. Faustus and he has a pair of ….on his head as a punishment inflicted by Doctor.

a) Horns

b) Thorns

c) Nails

d) Baskets

52. The punishment inflicted on the knight was very funny indeed; however, it could not last any longer; the knight was released from the spell at the request of ……

a) Mephastophilis

b) One of courtier

c) Emperor

d) Queen

53. Dr. Faustus has been enjoying the supernatural powers till the scene….. of the play opens. Doctor realized that the end of the time allocated to him is drawing near.

a) Ten

b) Eleven

c) Eight

d) Nine

54. Another event in the play astounds the reader rather than entertaining him; for example, a horse-cursor asks doctor to sell him his horse for….dollar.

a) 60

b) 50

c) 30

d) 40

55. Despite the horse having been sold to a horse cursor for the agreed amount of money; Dr. Faustus cautioned the person never to ride the horse in ……

a) Water

b) Hilly areas

c) Mud

d) Battlefield

56. The scene becomes very interesting and a bit scary when the horse cursor returns shortly and starts making noise by saying that the horse has…… characteristics.

a) Funny

b) Magical 

c) Strange

d) Dreadful

57. Dr. Faustus has gone to sleep. Listening to the noise, Mephastophilis appears and warns the horse cursor to remain silent. The horse cursor becomes louder and starts shaking Faustus’ ….. that comes off.

a) Arm

b) Hand

c) Leg

d) Ear

58. The horse Cursor gets utterly terrified and begs for mercy. He promises that he would pay even ….. dollar more for his forgiveness.

a) 40

b) 70

c) 80

d) 20

59. The play progresses to the next scene, some of the ….. of Vanholt desire to meet Dr. Faustus. Wagner conveys this message to Dr. Faustus.

a) Duchess

b) Earls

c) Knights

d) Dukes

60. While reading through the play Dr. Faustus, you come to know that Dr. Faustus provides the Duchess with ripened grapes. What promise is made by her husband in return?

a) He makes a promise to visit his home.

b) He makes a promise to give him a dollar.

c) He makes a promise to provide him with rewards.

d) He makes a promise to give him a horse.