First In Pakistan

first in pakistan

Do you know what happened First in Pakistan? It seems you are confused about it. It means who became the first Governor of Pakistan or When first census was conducted in Pakistan. Therefore, if you would like to know things happened or people came first in the Pakistan’s history then you must go through these important MCQs about first in the history of Pakistan.
Most of the time examiner ask these questions in General Knowledge Portion. So, if you are going to appear in any FPSC, PPSC, BPSC, SPCS, NTS, OTS, CTS, tests then you must go through these important MCQs about First in Pakistan.

Repeated MCQs about First In Pakistan

Which of the following bank started first its operation in Pakistan on Aug 17, 1947?

a.       Alfalah Bank

b.      United Bank Ltd

c.       Habib Bank Ltd

d.      Muslim Commercial Bank

In which year, the first census was conducted in Pakistan?

a.       1954

b.      1964

c.       1951

d.      1961

Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?

a.       Justice Bashir Ahmed

b.      Umar Ata Bandial

c.       Justice Sardar Abdul Rashid

d.      NOT

Who was the first Foreign Minister of Pakistan?

a.       Abdur Rab Nishter

b.      Zafarullah Khan

c.       Liaquat Ali Khan

d.      Chaudhry Muhammad Ali

When first agriculture reforms were introduced in the history of Pakistan?

a.       January 24 1962

b.      January 24 1961

c.       January 24 1960

d.      January 24 1959

Who was the first Muslim Commander in Chief of Army in Pakistan?

a.       Gen. M. Tikka Khan

b.      Gen. M. Musa Khan

c.       Gen. M. Ayub Khan

d.      Gen M. Ishaq Khan

Select the first Chief of Election Commissioner of Pakistan?

a.       Farukh Muhammad Khan

b.      Fateh Muhammad Khan

c.       Ishak Muhammad Khan

d.      Ishtiaq Muhammad Khan

When the first Constitution of Pakistan was announced?

a.       14 Aug 1947

b.      14 Aug 1956

c.       23 March 1956

d.      8 June 1962

After Independence, who was the first Commander in Chief of Army in Pakistan?

a.       Gen. Tikka Khan

b.      Gen. Frank Meservy

c.       Gen. G. Austen

d.      NOT

When first Canal Water agreement was made with India?

a.       4 May 1948

b.      4 May 1956

c.       4 May 1958

d.      4 May 1959

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