Q. “Edward Thomas is strangely original, though there is nothing freakish, either in manner or in matter,” is said by?
a) A.C. Ward
b) Rickett
c) Scott
d) Chesterton
Q. Who is more a versifier than poet?
a) Keats
b) Mare
c) Chesterton
d) Scott
Q. Which poetical movement was a re-action against Georgian poetry?
a) Classicism
b) Imagism
c) Romanticism
d) Realism
Q. Who is the Chief Protagonist of Imagism?
a) T.E. Hulme
b) Pound
c) Kipling
d) Houseman
Q. “An image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time,” is said by?
a) Hulme
b) Kipling
c) Pound
d) Hudson
Q. “Hopkins’s selected poems had so deep and wide an influence upon the younger generation that the aspect of modern poetry was changed right up to the present time, and his influence is still unexhausted,” is said by?
a) Rickett
b) Hudson
c) Scott
d) Pound
Q. “Hopkins’s poems were recognized as the work of a spiritual explorer whose vision had penetrated below life’s surfaces and whose poetic craft was appropriate to the needs of the new generation,” is said by?
a) Hudson
b) Kipling
c) Hardy
d) Pound
Q. Eliot was born in America in?
a) 1886
b) 1887
c) 1888
d) 1889
Q. Eliot was awarded Nobel Prize for literature and Order of Merit in?
a) 1946
b) 1948
c) 1950
d) 1951
Q. Who learnt from Dante?
a) Eliot
b) Kipling
c) Yeats
d) Pounds