Q. Who is a great but not a popular novelist?
a) Forster
b) Kipling
c) Bennet
d) Wells
Q. “Forster was a votary of the wisdom of heart” is said by?
a) A.C. Ward
b) Hudson
c) Diana Neill
d) Blake
Q. “Huxley is above all things a satirist whose tone can vary from jovial irony to biting malice and the striking incisiveness of his satire springs from an essay, polished style. A great gift for epigram, a ready wit and an alert mind,” is said by?
a) Rickett
b) E. Abert
c) Bennet
d) Walpole
Q. Who was the most outstanding literary figure between the two world wars?
a) D.H. Lawrence
b) Walpole
c) Forster
d) Bennet
Q. “Lawrence is then the prophet of the primitive instincts and passions, his own appeal is to the heart rather than to the head. He seeks to persuade, not by the reasoning faculty but by the emotional impact of his writing,” is said by?
a) Rickett
b) Hudson
c) E. Albert
d) James Joyce
Q. Whose novels have an abiding autobiographical interest?
a) James Joyce
b) Lawrence
c) Greene
d) Hudson
Q. “The addition of mystical poetry to the psychology of love is Lawrence’s distinctive contribution to the English Novel,” is said by?
a) J.W. Beach
b) A.C. Ward
c) Hudson
d) Woolf
Q. “Sex Occupies an important place in whose novels?
a) Woolf
b) Joyce
c) Lawrence
d) A.C. Ward
Q. Who sought to achieve a new synthesis between mind and matter, flesh and spirit and male and female?
a) Graves
b) Lawrence
c) Greene
d) Woolf
Q. “Plot appears not in the form of intrigues or mysteries to be solved, misunderstandings to be ironed out, conflicts of interests to be settled, moral issues to be brought out to a conclusion,” This is said about Lawrence’s novels by whom?
a) Beach
b) Rickett
c) Albert
d) Woolf