MCQs of Canterbury Tales

71. Getting through Canterbury Tales, a reader also comes to know about the professions of many characters; for example, Wife of Bath is… profession.

a)  dress designer

b) makeup artist

c) seamstress

d) maidservant

72. The wife of Bath is also deficient physically: for example, she is….

a) deaf in one ear

b) with artificial teeth

c) bald-headed

d) with artificial leg

73. Canterbury Tales discloses many fraudulent acts of pilgrims; for example, we come to know the Pardoner sells fake….

a) beads

b) relics

c) holy oil

d) the soil of holy land

74. In the Canterbury Tales, the host in Tabard Inn set a storytelling order that was ruined by……

a) The pardoner

b) Reeve

c) Friar

d) Miller

75. The narrator of Canterbury Tales did his best to describe pilgrims in an excellent expressive way; for example, he described the Prioress being……

a) greedy and cruel

b) compassionate and charitable

c) neat and clean

d) ugly and chubby

76. Despite Chaucer was devoted to Church and religion but he did not leave any corrupt person unattended; he described even…..being fond of hunting wearing long boots and fur.

a) Pardoner

b) Franklin

c) Reeve

d) Monk

77. Undoubtedly, Chaucer has a keen observation and understands people very quickly; for example, Chaucer tells that the host in Tabard Inn was quick….. but a great mediator.

a) temper

b) witted

c) responding

d) Servant

78. Chaucer cannot be deceived by mere verbal tricks; he judges a character by comparing his words with actions. Then, he declares one being a pure person like….

a) Miller

b) Parson

c) Pardoner

d) Summoner

79. Canterbury Tales covers every class of society and discloses even a person who steals wine when the captain goes to sleep. Of course, he is Ship-man who is titled as a….by Chaucer.

a) Thief

b) Terror

c) Rascal

d) Indecent

80. Geoffrey Chaucer is titled the father of English Poetry. The Canterbury Tale written by Chaucer is a great contribution to English Literature. He could do a lot more but he died in the year…..

a) 1398

b) 1399

c) 1400

d) 1401

Once you go through these MCQs of Caterbury Tales, You can also try the mcqs of Dr Faustus