MCQs of Old Names of Countries and Cities

mcqs of old name of countries and cities

Most of the time student stuck while answeing the MCQs of Old Names of Countries and Cities. If you are also going to appear in the exams of FPSC, PPSC, BPSC, SPSC, NTS, CTS, ITS, OTS, etc then you must go through these MCQs.

These MCQs will help you in all tests such as the test of Ministry of Defense, test of FIA, test of Security Officer, test of Anti-Narcotics, exam of CSS, PCS, PMS, etc. Apart from this, you can also practice these MCQs in Quiz shape at the end of these MCQs.

Important MCQs of Old Names of Countries and Cities

What was the old name of Acre?

a)      Jerusalem

b)      Akko

c)       Tel Abib

d)      NOT

The new name of Athens is___?

a)      Athinai

b)      Greece

c)       Cyprus

d)      NOT

The Old name of Mumbai?

a)      Bombay

b)      Boa Baia

c)       Mumba

d)      AOT

What was the old name of Attock?

a)      Lylapur

b)      Cambelpur

c)       Hindu Bagh

d)      Mesoptonia

Select the old name of Indonesia.

a)      Cyprus

b)      Dutch East Indies

c)       Indo-China

d)      Surinam

What is the new name of East Pakistan?

a)      Myanmar

b)      Bangladesh

c)       Damdama

d)      Bhutan

Which the following place has new name Chad’s city N Djamena?

a)      Lamy

b)      Fort Lamy

c)       Abu Jan

d)      NOT

Kalaallet Nunaat’s old name is ___?

a)      Redlands

b)      Bluelend

c)       Asia Minor

d)      Greenland

What is the new name of Kampuchea?

a)      Old China

b)      Rhodesia

c)       Cambodia

d)      NOT

Old name of Bangkok is _____?

a)      Pataya

b)      Campbelpur

c)       Bengek

d)      Krugn Thep

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