Most Important MCQs about Lysistrata

Q.11  Which god do the women invoke to strengthen their resolve?

A. Athena

B. Zeus

C. Apollo

D. Dionysus

Q.12  What does the Commissioner represent in the play?

A. The enemy general

B. The common man

C. The male authority

D. The Spartan king

Q.13  What is the primary setting of “Lysistrata”?

A. The Acropolis of Athens

B. The Spartan Assembly

C. The Athenian Assembly

D. Lysistrata’s house

Q.14  How do the men try to force the women to end their strike?

A. Threaten them with violence

B. Take their children hostage

C. Set fire to the Acropolis

D. Starve them

Q.15  What do the older women use to fend off the men?

A. Swords

B. Water

C. Rocks

D. Fire

Q.16  What is the primary source of comedy in “Lysistrata”?

A. Slapstick humor

B. Sexual innuendos

C. Political satire

D. Misunderstandings

Q.17  Which character is most eager to return to her husband?

A. Myrrhine

B. Lysistrata

C. Lampito

D. Calonice

Q.18  What is the ultimate resolution at the end of “Lysistrata”?

A. The women are defeated

B. The war continues

C. Peace is achieved

D. The men overthrow the women

Q.19  Which Greek god’s statue is used as a symbol in the play?

A. Athena

B. Zeus

C. Apollo

D. Hera

Q.20  Who is Kinesias in the play?

A. The Spartan king

B. Myrrhine’s husband

C. Lysistrata’s brother

D. The Commissioner

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