Most Important MCQs about Lysistrata

Q.21  What tactic does Myrrhine use to tease Kinesias?

A. She mocks him

B. She prepares to have sex but delays it

C. She leaves him immediately

D. She insults him

Q.22  What role do the Chorus of Old Men play in the play?

A. They try to regain control of the Acropolis

B. They support the women’s strike

C. They negotiate peace

D. They mock the women

Q.23  How do the Chorus of Old Women support the strike?

A. They spy on the men

B. They defend the Acropolis

C. They cook for the strikers

D. They sabotage the men’s efforts

Q.24  What do the women swear an oath on to solidify their pact?

A. A sword

B. A shield

C. A wine jug

D. A book

Q.25  What genre does “Lysistrata” belong to?

A. Comedy

B. Tragedy

C. Epic

D. Satire

Q.26  Who is the primary antagonist in “Lysistrata”?

A. Lampito

B. Calonice

C. The Commissioner

D. Kinesias

Q.27  How does Aristophanes portray the women’s intelligence compared to the men’s?

A. Superior and strategic

B. Equal and cooperative

C. Inferior and naive

D. Deceptive and manipulative

Q.28  What literary device is most commonly used in “Lysistrata”?

A. Metaphor

B. Simile

C. Irony

D. Allegory

Q.29  What historical event is “Lysistrata” based on?

A. The Peloponnesian War

B. The Trojan War

C. The Persian Wars

D. The Battle of Marathon

Q.30  Which city-state’s women are depicted as the most willing to join Lysistrata’s cause?

A. Sparta

B. Corinth

C. Thebes

D. Argos

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