Most Important MCQs about Lysistrata

Q.31  What is the reaction of the male characters to the women’s strike?

A. Anger and frustration

B. Sympathy and support

C. Indifference

D. Joy

Q.32  How is Lysistrata depicted in the play?

A. Naive and young

B. Wise and determined

C. Cruel and vengeful

D. Weak and submissive

Q.33  What type of humor is prominent in “Lysistrata”?

A. Dark humor

B. Sexual humor

C. Absurd humor

D. Sarcastic humor

Q.34  What does Lysistrata criticize about the men in the play?

A. Their obsession with war

B. Their treatment of women

C. Their laziness

D. Their greed

Q.35  How do the women prepare for their strike?

A. By making an oath

B. By gathering weapons

C. By consulting an oracle

D. By praying

Q.36  Which character provides comic relief through his exaggerated desperation?

A. The Commissioner

B. Kinesias

C. Lysistrata

D. Lampito

Q.37  What symbolizes peace at the end of the play?

A. A feast and celebration

B. A marriage

C. A handshake

D. A treaty

Q.38  How is the relationship between men and women depicted in “Lysistrata”?

A. Harmonious and equal

B. Dominated by women

C. Conflicted and humorous

D. Respectful and kind

Q.39  What is Lysistrata’s main argument for why the women should end the war?

A. It destroys families and homes

B. It is costly

C. It is against the gods’ will

D. It benefits only the rich

Q.40  How does the play “Lysistrata” end?

A. With the men and women reconciling

B. With the women winning the war

C. With Lysistrata’s exile

D. With a tragic death

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