Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

On ________________ Aarafat gathering is conducted.

A.    9 Zil hajj

B.     8 Zil hajj

C.     12 Zil hajj

D.    10 Zil hajj


The Quran regards ________________ as unforgivable.

A.    Jealousy

B.     Lie

C.     Hypocrisy

D.    Shirk


_____________ did first Sindhi interpretation of Quran

A.    Abdullah Shah Ghazi

B.     Aakhund Azzizullah

C.     Bahauddin Zakkaria

D.    Bulley Shah


There are _____________ doors of hell

A.    6

B.     5

C.     8

D.    7


Hazrat______________ was first to memorize Quran.

A.    Aisha Siddiqa

B.     Hifsa 

C.     Zainab

D.    Khadija


_________ title is “Saloos ul Quran”?

A.    Surah Kausar

B.     Surah Ikhlas

C.     Surah Fateha

D.    Surah Nasar


Hazrat _______________ was first Islamic poet

A.    Hazrat Ubaidullah (RA)

B.     Hazrat Hasaan ibn e sabit (R.A)

C.     Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)

D.    None of these


The time difference between the first and second Wahi was __________.

A.    2 Years 3 months

B.     2 Years 4 months

C.     2 Years 5 months

D.    2 Years 6 months


__________ was last commander in battel of Mota

A.    Abdur Rehman Bin Auf (R.A)

B.     Hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)

C.     Abdullah Bin Rawaha(R.A)

D.    None of these


Name “Zulqarnain” is mention in Surah __________

A.    Surah Noon

B.     Surah Al Mujadalh

C.     SuraH Hamd

D.    Surah Al Kahaf