Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Holy Quran have ____________ Rakus

A.    490

B.     460

C.     570

D.    558


Kalmah-e- Touheed is__________ pillar of Islam?

A.    Second

B.     First

C.     Fourth

D.    Third


What is the backbone of the Islamic system?

A.    Sadqa

B.     Fitrana

C.    Zakat

D.    None of these


Who were the Prophet Muhammad’s foster mother(s)

A.    Hazrat Suwaiba (RA)

B.     Hazrat Halema saadia (RA)

C.      None of them

D.    Both of them


When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) become a Muslim?

A.    Sixth Nabvi

B.     Fifth Nabvi

C.     Fourth Nabvi

D.    Seventh Nabvi


When did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) perform Hajj?

A.    9th Hijri

B.     10th Hijri

C.     11th Hijri

D.    8th Hijri


Umm-ul-Momineen are?

A.    The sisters of the Holy Prophet(SAW)

B.     The Holy Mothers of the Muslims

C.    Hazrat Muhammad’s (PBUH) wives

D.    None of these


_____________ is the 3rd belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?

A.    THE BOOKS OF ALLAH (The Divine Scriptures)

B.     The hereafter life

C.     Angels

D.    The hereafter life


Each person is assigned two angels. One keeps track of positive deeds, while the other keeps track of bad deeds. What are the names of these two angels?

A.    Farishtain

B.     Kiraman katibeen (AS)

C.     Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS)

D.    Hazrat Israfeel (AS)


Wealth derived from mining is subject to_________?

A.    Khumus

B.     Zakat

C.     Rubah

D.    Sulus