Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Holy Quran have ____________ Versus

A.    6666

B.     5555

C.     6688

D.    6667


Namaz is__________ pillar of Islam?

A.    Second

B.     First

C.     Fourth

D.    Third


_________is Islam’s first manifestation of faith?

A.    Sadqa

B.     Fitrana

C.     Zakat

D.    Prayers


Father of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died _____________ months before His birth

A.    4

B.     2

C.     1

D.    6


When did five prayers become compulsory?

A.    10th Nabvi

B.     12th Nabvi

C.     11th Nabvi

D.    13th Nabvi


When was the Qiblah altered?

A.    3rd Hijri

B.     2nd Hijri

C.     1st Hijri

D.    4th Hijri


Umm-ul-Masakeen was title of Prophet (PBUH)’s wife?

A.    Hazrat Ummay Salma (RA)

B.     Hazrat Ummay Habiba (RA)

C.     Hazrat Zainab Bint-t-Jahsh

D.    Hazrat Zainab (RA)


_____________ is the 4th belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?

A.    The holy books

B.     The prophets

C.     Angels

D.    The hereafter life


Name Muhammad (PBUH) is mention in Quran for _____________ times:

A.    four times

B.     two times

C.     three times

D.    five times


Which year was Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-Fitr announced?

A.    6

B.     2

C.     11

D.    9