Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Muslims fought in the Yamama War against ____________

A.    Muselama Kazab

B.     Aswad Unsa

C.     Mukhtar bin Abu Abaid Saqif

D.    Tahha Asadi


____________ is the mostly used Alphabet in the Holy Quran?

A.    Te

B.     Alif

C.     Dal

D.    Jeem


Fast is declared as __________ in Islam.

A.    Love

B.     Armour

C.    Welfare

D.    None of these


What is the Pakistani people’s common value?

A.    Language

B.     Dress

C.    Islam

D.    Habits


In the seventh year of the Prophethood, where did Muslims seek refuge near Makkah?

A.    Ghar-e-Soar

B.     Shi’b-e-Abi Talib

C.     Plain of Arafat

D.    Ghar-e-Hira


Which event occurred in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on September 24, 622 AD?

A.    He fell ill

B.     He migrated to Madina

C.     He was stopped to travel

D.    He was attacked


When did the Hudaibiya agreement take place?

A.    7th Hijri

B.     6th Hijri

C.     4th Hijri

D.    5th Hijri


Word “Iman-e-Mufassal” means:

A.    The belief in known things

B.     The belief in detail

C.     The belief in unknown things

D.    The belief in brief


Hazrat Mekael (AS) duties involve_____________?

A.    Take out the souls of life bearing creatures.

B.     Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creatures.

C.     Blow the trumpet on the day of judgment.

D.    Brings Allah’s message and commands to his prophets (AS)


Masjid Zu Qiblatain is located in__________?

A.    Mukkah

B.     Madina

C.     Jabal-e-Noor

D.    Taif