Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Who was the first Sahabi to took advantage of Wahi calligraphy

A.    Hazrat Usman (R.A)

B.     Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A)

C.     Hazrat Umar (R.A)

D.    Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed bin Alaas (R.A)


What is the minimum number of verses in a Surah in the Holy Quran?

A.    3

B.     2

C.     6

D.    5


__________ are Obligations in Islam?

A.    Wajib

B.     Farz

C.     Sunnat

D.    Nafl


During Hajj Qurbani is made at _________

A.    Mina

B.     Arafat

C.     Safa

D.    Muzdalifa


Social boycott of Banu Hashim occur in?

A.    5th Year of Nabvi

B.     8th year of Nabvi

C.     7th year of Nabvi

D.    6th year of Nabvi


_____________ is known as sorrow year

A.    13th Nabvi

B.     9th Nabvi

C.     10th Nabvi

D.     6th Nabvi


Ashaab-e-Sufah were?

A.    Muhajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabavi

B.      Ansaar (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabavi

C.     Ansaar (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Quba

D.    Muhajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Quba


Word “Iman-e-Mujammal” meaning:

A.    The belief in known things

B.     The belief in detail

C.     The belief in unknown things

D.    The belief in brief


Word “Nabi” literal meaning:

A.    A person who acts according to Shariah

B.     A person who behaves nicely

C.     A person who believes in the unity of Allah

D.     A person who conveys the message of Allah


The name ______________ is mentioned in the Holy Quran in a Ayat.

A.    Hazrat Bilal (RA)

B.     Hazarat Muaaz (RA)

C.     Hazrat Zaid (RA)

D.    Hazrat Saad (RA)