Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

In Men, Hazrat _____________ was the first to accept Islam.

A.    Abu Bakr

B.     Usman

C.     Ali

D.    Umer


Zina laws revealed in ____________A.H.

A.    3

B.     2

C.    5

D.    4


The first person to learn to write was Hazrat

A.    Idrees A.S

B.     Ibrahim A.S

C.     Haroon A.S

D.    Musa A.S


Word “islam” verbal meaning?

A.    Confidence of Allah

B.     Belief on Allah

C.     Worship of Allah

D.    Obedience of Allah


Five prayers have been made mandatory in__________ Nabvi?

A.    10th

B.     9th

C.     8th

D.    7th


When “Salat-e-Istasqa” is offered?

A.    Fear

B.     Rain

C.     Death

D.    Hajat


Zakat number among Islam Pillars?

A.    Third

B.     Second

C.     Fifth

D.    Fourth


Ameer-ul-Momineen ____________ begins war against people unwilling to pay zakat:

A.    Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)

B.     Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A)

C.     Hazrat Ali (R.A)

D.    Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)


Aarfat stay is ____________

A.    Wajib

B.     Farz

C.     Mustahib

D.    Sunnat


Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was_____________ years old when first was decended

A.    40 Years 8 months

B.     40 Years 6 months

C.     40 Years 11 months

D.    40 Years 10 months