Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Hazrat __________ was the first woman to accept Islam.

A.    Khajida

B.     Amina

C.     Ruqaya

D.    Hafsa


Holy Quran have ____________ stages:

A.    7

B.     5

C.     11

D.    9


When Hazrat Ismael A.S was born, Hazrat Ibrahim A.S was _________ years old.

A.    85

B.     84

C.     87

D.    86


Hood nation destroyed by:

A.    Continuous rain and Storm

B.     Through Flood

C.      Dreadful Earthquake

D.    Azaab of Mosquitoes


When was the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gifted with Namaz?

A.    Hijrat

B.     Miraj

C.     Ghazwa Badar

D.    None of them


When “Salat-e-Istasqa” is offered?

A.    Solar eclipse

B.     Shortage of Rain

C.     Famin

D.    All of these


Verbal meaning of word “Zakat”?

A.    To Stained

B.     To Purify

C.     To adulteration

D.    None of These


____________times Zakat orders mentioned in Quran.

A.    32

B.     20

C.     42

D.    40


How many Farz duties performed in Hajj

A.    5

B.     4

C.     7

D.    3


When first Wahi was decended?

A.    Safar

B.     Rajab-ul-Murajab

C.     Ramzan-ul-Mubarik

D.    Rabi-ul-Sani