Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

The ________ mountain has Cave Hira.

A.    Sil

B.    As-Safa

C.    An-Noor

D.    Uhud


Al-Muwatta, the Hadith book, was compiled by?

A.    Imam Shafi (R.A)

B.    Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)

C.    Imam Malik (R.A)

D.    Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)


Ghazwah ________ mentioned in Al-Imraan Surah.

A.    Badar

B.    Ohad

C.    Khandaq

D.    Khaibar


________heaven has Bait-ul-Mamoor.

A.    7th

B.    6th

C.    5th

D.    4th


Social boycott of Banu Hashim happened in ________ Nabavi

A.    7th

B.    6th

C.    5th

D.    4th


Moawakhat occurred during the _________ Hijrah?

A.    4th

B.    3rd

C.    2nd

D.    1st


Before Islam, how many idols were in Kaba?

A.    350

B.    340

C.    370

D.    360


How was the Key holder of Khanna Kaaba?

A.    Hazrat Saad

B.    Hazrat Qasim

C.    Hazrat Asad

D.    Hazrat Talha


Department of Police was formed by:

A.    Hazrat Umar

B.    Hazrat Abu Bakr

C.    Hazrat Ali

D.    Hazrat Usman


The Holy Quran’s first Hafiz was:

A.    Hazrat Umer

B.    Hazrat Abu Bakr

C.    Hazrat Ali

D.    Hazrat Usman