Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Mosque of ________ was 1st mosque on Earth.

A.    Masjid-e-Nabavi

B.    Masjid-ul-Haram

C.    Masjid e Quba

D.    Masjid-e-Aqsa

Place where Shinto offer their prayers is called________

A.    Gurdwara

B.    Synagogue

C.    Mandir

D.    Jinja

Prophet Moosa (A.S) and Prophet Haroon were brothers. There graves are in ________ respectively.

A.    Ohud, KSA & Israel

B.    Syria & Egypt

C.    Jordan & Israel

D.    Iraq & Palestine

Who excavated the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) grave?

A.    Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari (R.A.)

B.     Hazrat Abu Zubair (R.A.)

C.     Hazrat Abu Saleh (R.A.)

D.    Hazrat Aos (R.A.)

Which companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) face features were alike ________

A.    Abdullah bi Hijash

B.    Kaab bin Malik

C.    Masib bin Umair

D.    None of these

________was the final ruler of Ummyad.

A.      Marwan second

B.      Hakam second

C.      Hasham

D.      Muawiya second

At the age of ________, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) travelled to Syria for first time with his uncle Abu Talib.

A.    12

B.     10

C.     16

D.    14

Place where Zoroastrianism offer their prayers is called________

A.    Gurdwara

B.    Synagogue

A.    Dar-e-Mehr

C.    Jinja

Which prophets were lifted alive by order of Allah?

A.    Hazrat Idrees

B.     Hazrat Essa

C.     Hazrat Khizar

D.    Hazrat Ilyas

E.     All of them

Term “Al-Mudasir” means:

A.    The Helper

B.     The Cloaked One

C.     The killer

D.    None of these