Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Prophet Ayub (AS) was famous for his _________

A.    Patience

B.     Generosity

C.     Sympathy

D.    None of these

What is the old name of Friday?

A.    Yaomul Aroba

B.     Yaomul Halumah

C.     Yaomul Furqan

D.    None of these

Verses of Bow/Sajda are generally included in _________ Surahs.

A.    Makki

B.     Madina

C.     Both

D.    None of these

Who was the first to use diacritical marks in the Holy Qur’an.

A.    Imam Shafi R.A

B.     Hazart Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali RA

C.     Imam Malik R.A

D.    All of these

Quraish and its allies were led by _________ during the “Sacrilegious wars” when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years old.

A.    Abu Lahab

B.     Abu Jahal

C.     Harb bin Umayah

D.    Umayah bin Khalaf

Who was the world’s first murderer?

A.    Qabeel 

B.     Abu Jahil

C.     Habeel

D.    None of these

How many years after Prophet Adam A.S did the Toofan-e-Noah event occur?

A.    2252 years

B.     2242 years

C.     2270 years

D.    2262 years

Al-Quran Al-Hakeem is mention in surah _________ of Quran.

A.    Al Yaseen 

B.     Al e Imran

C.     Al Maeda

D.    Al Nisa

Which approach is utilised to verify the validity of hadith matan?

A.    Dirayat 

B.     Sanad

C.     Riwayat

D.    None of these

_________ was author of tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan.

A.    Dr. Shafiq Ur Rehman

B.     Shiekh Abubakar Jaber Al Jazairi

C.     Imam Bin Qayyim

D.    Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf