Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Prophet Ismail AS was buried in:

A.    Lebanon

B.     Syria

C.     Palestine

D.    Saudi Arabia


Hajjaj bin Yousuf served as governor of _______

A.    Iran

B.     Palestine

C.     Maldives

D.    Iraq


Animals are slaughtered on Eid-ul-Adha in remembrance of the sacrifice of_________?

A.    Prophet Abraham (A.S) and Prophet Ishmael (A.S)

B.     Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

C.     Prophet Adam (A.S)

D.     None of these


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Prophet Haroon (AS) on ______

A.    2nd

B.     1st

C.    5th

D.    3rd


Surah _____ is also known as surah-e-Hamd

A.    Surah-e-Fatiha

B.     Surah-e-Yasin

C.     Surah-e-Naas

D.    Surah-e-Rehman


Hazrat Um-e-Khultoom was daughter of Prophet PBUH with Hazrat______

A.    Rayhana bint Zayd

B.     Zaynab bint Khuzayma

C.     Maria al-Qibtiyya

D.    Khadija bint Khuwaylid


______is the name of 26th Para/chapter

A.    Wa Mamin Da’abat

B.     Yatazeroon

C.     Ha’a Meem

D.    Utlu Ma Oohi 


_________ was the first authority to comile hadis-e-Nabvi (SAW)

A.    Imam Bukhari

B.     Imam Maalik

C.     Imam Abu Hanifa

D.    Imam Ahmad


Qibla changed on_________?

A.    3rd Hijri

B.     2nd Hijri

C.     4th Hijri

D.    1st Hijri


At the time of Karbala, Um-ul-Momineen _________ was alive

A.    Hazrat Ayesha RA

B.     Hazrat Umm- e Aiyman RA

C.     Hazrat Sumayya RA

D.    Hazrat Umm-e-Salma RA