Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Prophet Haroon AS was buried in:

A.    Lebanon

B.     Syria

C.     Palestine

D.    Jordan


Surah Tauba of holy Quran does not begin with Bismillah. Surah Tauba is in which Para/chapter

A.    8 & 9 

B.     9 & 10

C.     11 & 12

D.    10 & 11


Prophet Adam AS was buried in:

A.    Makkah

B.     Syria

C.     Palestine

D.    Saudi Arabia


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Prophet Adam (AS) on ______

A.    2nd

B.     1st

C.     4th

D.    3rd


Uhud is situated near_____

A.    Madina

B.     Makkah

C.     Baghdad

D.    Syria


Hazrat Umer (RA) Khilafat duration was _____ years

A.    8 years

B.     5 years

C.     14 years

D.    10 years


Who Urged prophet Adam (A.S) to eat fruit of forbidden Tree?

A.    Hazrat Jibraeel (AS)

B.     Hazrat Hawwa (AS)

C.     Iblees

D.    All of the above


The short duration of in two sajood is called ______

A.    Jalsa

B.     Qauma

C.     Qaada

D.    Qayaam


Prophet _________ was 1st prophet to write

A.    Hazrat Dawood (A.S)

B.     Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

C.     Hazrat Idrees (A.S)

D.    Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)


What is meant by Khums?

A.    One fifth 

B.     One sixth

C.     One seventh

D.    One fourth