Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Prophet Ishaq AS was buried in:

A.    Lebanon

B.     Syria

C.    Palestine

D.    Jordan


Prophet Musa AS was buried in:

A.    Lebanon

B.     Syria

C.     Palestine

D.    Israel


Surah _______ contain the last Sajjda of the Holy Quran

A.    Surah Nooh

B.     Surah Insiqaq

C.     Surah Alaq

D.    Surah Hadeed


Term “Eid-ul-Adha” means:

A.    Festival of Sacrifice

B.     Festival of Sheep and Cattle

C.     Festival of Peace

D.    None of these


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Prophet Ibrahim (AS) on ______

A.    2nd

B.     1st

C.     4th

D.    7th


Hazrat Usman (RA) Khilafat duration was _____ years

A.    8 years

B.     5 years

C.     14 years

D.    12 years


Hazrat Fatima was daughter of Prophet PBUH with Hazrat______

A.    Rayhana bint Zayd

B.     Zaynab bint Khuzayma

C.     Maria al-Qibtiyya

D.    Khadija bint Khuwaylid


______is the name of 28th Para/chapter

A.    Qadd Sami Allah

B.     Yatazeroon

C.    Ha’a Meem

D.    Utlu Ma Oohi 


Hazrat Imam-e-Shafi born _________ at Gaza

A.    150 AH

B.     140 AH

C.     170 AH

D.    160 AH


How many refugees were there during Mawaakhat?

A.    40

B.     35

C.     50

D.    45