Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Prophet Nouh AS was buried in:

A.    Lebanon

B.     Syria

C.     Palestine

D.    Jordan


Prophet Adam AS was buried in:

A.    Sri Lanka

B.     Syria

C.     Palestine

D.    Saudi Arabia


Hazrat Abdul Mutalib was _______ years old

A.    95 years

B.     96 years

C.     93 years

D.    94 years


______is the name of 21st Para/chapter

A.    Wa Mamin Da’abat

B.     Yatazeroon

C.     Rubama

D.    Utlu Ma Oohi 


In ______ Battel of Widah was fought

A.    6th 

B.     1st

C.     4th

D.    3rd


At the time of migration/Hijrat, Prophet (PBUH) recited_____

A.    Surah-e-Yasin

B.     Surah-e-Tawbah

C.     Surah-e-Kausar

D.    Surah-e-Rehman


Standing straight in Ruku is called _________?

A.    Jalsa

B.     Qauma

C.     Qaada

D.    Qayaam


______is the name of 29th Para/chapter

A.    Wa Mamin Da’abat

B.     Yatazeroon

C.    Ha’a Meem

D.    Tabarakallazi 


Hazrat Imam-e-Shafi passed away _________ at Egypt

A.    212 AH

B.     204 AH

C.     223 AH

D.    220 AH


Oushr is:

A.    1/5th of precious stones

B.     1/10th of the whole property

C.     1/10th produce of agriculture

D.    All of these