Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Injeel was descended to prophet _________

A.    Prophet Dawood (A.S)

B.    Prophet Ibraheem (A.S)

C.    Prophet Essa (A.S)

D.    Prophet Moosa (A.S)

Muslims attacked Spain in _________

A.    722 A.D

B.     711 A.D

C.     730 A.D

D.    706 A.D

Surah _________ is preface of Qur’an.

A.    Surah Fateha

B.     Ikhlas

C.     Surah Al-Rehman

D.    None of these

_________ was writer of “Al-Athar Al-Baqiya”

A.    Sufan suri

B.     Firdausi

C.     Imam Tirmizi

D.    Al Beruni 

Harab e Fajjar means:

A.    war fought against kuffar

B.     war fought in the probihited months

C.     war fought for the protection of Kaaba

D.    war fought for Islam

Prophet _________ nation faced mosquito’s calamity.

A.    Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S)

B.     Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

C.     Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

D.    Hazrat Ishaq (A.S) 

What was the biggest miracle of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

A.    Reviving the Dead

B.     Creating a living bird

C.     Holy Quran

D.    None of these

Which Khalifa did Bibi Fatima (A.S) visit for Garden of Fadak?

A.    Hazrat Umar (R.A)

B.     Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique

C.     Hazrat Muwaiya (R.A)

D.    Hazrat Usman (R.A)

Before curse _________ was name of Satan.

A.    Devil

B.     Azazeel

C.     Sheetan

D.    None of these

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had_________ sons.

A.    2

B.     1

C.     4

D.    3