Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Hazrat ______ was 8th wife of prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

A.    Hazrat Sauda (RA)

B.    Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

C.    Hazrat Umeh Habiba (RA)

D.    Hazrat Khadeja (RA)


In holy Quran Bismillah appear ______ times

A.    115

B.     116

C.     112

D.    114


Which Qurani Surah is name of a battel?

A.    Ahzab

B.     Room

C.     Nasr

D.    Fathi


______is the name of sixteenth Para/chapter

A.    Qal Alam

B.     Subhanallazi

C.     Rubama

D.    Wa Ma Ubrioo


who was the first female false prophetess’ name?

A.    Sajah

B.     Hinza

C.     Hiba

D.    None of these


After migration/hijrat ______ was first new born

A.    Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)

B.     Abdul bin Qasim (R.A)

C.     Abu Zainab (R.A)

D.    Abu Salma (R.A)


There are ______ hell angels

A.    19

B.     17

C.     23

D.    21


At the time of marrying Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hazrat Khajida RA was ______ years old

A.    30

B.     25

C.    40

D.    35


______ was hazrat Khajida’s father

A.    Zubair ibn al-awam

B.     Awwam bint khuwaylid

C.     Khuwaylid ibn Asad

D.    Asad ibne abd-ul- Uzza


Who is exempt from fasting/soam during Ramadan?

A.    Travelling

B.     Sickness

C.     Senility and old age

D.    Pregnancy and breastfeeding

E.     All of these