Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had ______ wives.

A.    11

B.     10

C.     13

D.    12


Person who start Namaz/Prayer with Imam is called ______

A.    Musbaq

B.     Munfarid

C.     Madurak

D.    None of these


First descended verse/Ayat is in Surah ______

A.    Al-Muzzammil

B.     Al-Fatiha

C.     Al-Alaq

D.    Al-Muddaththir


______is the name of eleventh Para/chapter

A.    Wa Mamin Da’abat

B.     Yatazeroon

C.     Rubama

D.    Wa Ma Ubrioo


______is the name of twentieth Para/chapter

A.    A’man Khalaq

B.     Wa Qalallazina

C.     Rubama

D.    Wa Ma Ubrioo


Eid-ul-Fitar means:

A.    Making special prayer

B.     Breaking fast

C.     Commemorating the prophet (SAW) birth

D.    None of these


Nafli prayers are equal to______ prayer in ramazan

A.    Farz prayer

B.     Wajib Prayer

C.     Sunnat prayer

D.    None of these


______ surah starts with Ha-meen in the Quran

A.    4

B.     3

C.    7

D.    5


Hazrat Khadija was from Banu ______ tribe

A.    Banu Khazeema

B.     Banu Hashim

C.     Banu Atiyah

D.    Banu Asad


______ was hazrat Khajida’s mother

A.    Umm kulthum

B.     Fatima bint za’idah

C.     Zainab bint Hashim

D.    Ruqiya bint Nawfal