Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

In ____________________ Holy Quran is written.

A.    Poetry

B.     Prose & Poetry

C.     Prose

D.    None of them


Masjid Hanif is in ________where nearly 70 prophets are buried

A.    Syria

B.     Palestine

C.     Muzdalfa

D.    Mina


Zakat become mandatory on five Wisk of corps production. Five Wisk equals?

A.    45 kg

B.     40 kg

C.     60 kg

D.    50 kg

Which of the following is referred as the Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran.

A.    Arafat

B.     Mina

C.     Hateem

D.    Muzdalfa


Which of the following phrase for which acting on it is not rewarding; however, it is not a sin if you do not act on it?

A.    Makruh-i-Tehrimi

B.     Makruh-i-Tanzihi

C.     Mustahab

D.    Mubah


Hazrat ____________________ was last Sariya

A.    Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (R.A)

B.     Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (R.A)

C.     Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

D.    Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (R.A)


In Surah Baqrah Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is mentioned for ________times

A.    10

B.     15

C.     20

D.    13


Who manages the accounts of Pakistan’s central Zakat fund?

A.    Auditor General

B.     Administrator General

C.     Minister of Religious Affairs

D.    Accountant General


There are ________________ kinds of Hajj

A.    3

B.     2

C.     5

D.    4


___________ Hadis are authentic Hadis

A.    Sahih

B.     Sahifah

C.     Saadiqah

D.    Musnad