Most Repeated Islamiat MCQs

Thoes who ____________________ are known as Saabi by Arabs

A.    worshiped stars

B.     worshiped moon

C.     worshiped sun

D.    worshiped idols


Hazrat Usman (R.A) wife Ruqia (R.A) was died at victory day of ________

A.    Battel Uhud

B.     Battel Badr

C.     Battel Maouta

D.    Battel Azab


Which article of the 1973 Constitution is concerned with Zakat?

A.    44

B.     31

C.     39

D.    6


An individual who has intends to perform Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is known as

A.    Mufrid

B.     Qaran

C.     Mutamtae

D.    None of them


How many Hadis parts are there?

A.    3

B.     2

C.     5

D.    4


Prophet ____________________ was married to Rachel

A.    Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S

B.     Hazrat Ishaq (A.S)

C.     Hazrat Zakriya (A.S)

D.    Hazrat Younas (A.S)


Word “Injeel” means:

A.    Sign

B.     Light

C.    Good news

D.    Peace


How many days of Soam/Fasting are prohibited during the year?

A.    5

B.     4

C.     7

D.    6


An individual who has intends to perform Umra at Meeqat is known as

A.    Mufrid

B.     Qaran

C.    Mutamtae

D.    None of them


Sanad and ___________ are the parts of each Hadis.

A.    Musnad

B.     Matan

C.     Riwayat

D.    Sahifah