Most Repeated MCQs of Computer

_________ is father of C language.

  1. Niklaus Writh
  2. Dennis M. Ritchie
  3. Donald Kunth
  4. Seymour Papert

What are some examples of input devices?

  1. Mouse
  2. Card reader
  3. Keyboard
  4. All of these

What is a computer known as if it contains more than one processor?

  1. Multiprocessor
  2. Uni-process
  3. Multi-programming
  4. Multi-threaded

Choose the Digital device from the options below.

  1. Automobile analog speed meter
  2. Clock Dial
  3. Digital Clock
  4. All of them

Which language was used to programme the first computers?

  1. Machine language
  2. Assembly language
  3. Object code
  4. Source code

Full form of EBCDIC is_________?

  1. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
  2. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  3. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
  4. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

___________ Software is used to find faults and their possible reason.

  1. cookies
  2. operating system extensions
  3. boot diskettes
  4. diagnostic software

_________ was main component of 1st generation computers.

  1. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
  2. Integrated Circuits
  3. Transistors
  4. None of above

What is different terminology used for bug?

  1. Squid
  2. Leech
  3. Glitch
  4. Slug

What are some examples of output devices?

  1. Printer
  2. Speaker
  3. Screen
  4. All of these