Name the first space shuttle landed on moon____?
a) Eagle
b) Apollo
c) Explorer
d) NOT
______ is the greatest archipelago?
a) Philippine
b) United States
c) Indonesia
d) NOT
Name the satellite that was launched first.
a) Luna II
b) Sputnik
c) Kosmos 1408
d) Spektr-R
Which of the following is the largest gulf in the world?
a) Gulf of the Cambay
b) Gulf of Mexico
c) Persian Gulf
d) Alaska Gulf
Where the longest optical fiber cable of the world is laid between____?
a) Tokyo and Paris
b) Singapore and Marseilles
c) Toronto and Manila
d) NOT
When first test-tube baby was born?
a) July 25, 1974
b) July 25, 1976
c) July 25, 1978
d) July 25, 1980
Where the first world’s largest monolithic statue of Buddha was installed on December 1, 1992 in?
a) Nepal
b) Myanmar
c) China
d) India
Where first railway line was laid?
a) Russia
b) England
c) Japan
d) United State
First test tube baby of the world?
a) Patrica Spear
b) Leslie O’Connor
c) Louise Joy Brown
d) NOT
Ms. Kim Campbell is the first woman prime minister of which country?
a) Canada
b) Switzerland
c) Congo
d) NOT
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