Important Prepositions MCQs

Important Prepositions MCQs are available for students of CSS, PMS, PCS, and other competitive exams. Students who are preparing for MDCAT/MCAT and ECAT can also prepare these important prepositions for MDCAT. Apart from this, you can also practice them in quiz form soon on the same site. We will upload all important prepositions in English for all exams. You can regularly check them and practice them for your upcoming exams.

MCQs of Important Prepositions

1. He has great affection ____________ New York.
a. Of
b. To
c. For
d. In

2. They had little acquaintance _______ French philosophy.
a. Of
b. With
c. To
d. In

3. Alina has an abhorrence ______ waste of any kind.
a. In
b. To
c. Of
d. With

4. Barbara has access ______ his password.
a. From
b. In
c. To
d. For

5. They preach total abstinence _____ premarital affairs.
a. For
b. To
c. Into
d. From

6. Ali has no ambition ____ politics.
a. In
b. With
c. To
d. For

7. The Democratic Party has an alliance _____ other parties.
a. Into
b. With
c. To
d. From

8. They have received assurance ____ military assistance.
a. Into
b. From
c. Of
d. To

9. Queen Victoria’s accession ___ the crown occurred in 1837.
a. Towards
b. Into
c. To
d. From

10. The Major ordered cessation _____ shelling.
a. In
b. Of
c. From
d. To

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