MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan

MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan are essential for all the candidates of Inspector Inland Revenue. A student must know ABC of fiscal policy. Apart from this, if a students who skip it and qualifies the test somehow, then the examiner can ask him while conducting interview. Therefore, it is necessary for every aspirant to clear the concepts of fiscal policy of Pakistan.

If you would like to practice the Multiple Choice Questions of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan, then we have written some important MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan in this post. Once you go through these MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan, then you may also practice in quiz form.

You can read Fiscal Policy in the Following Way:

  • Basics of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan
  • Tools of Fiscal Policy
  • Types of Fiscal Policy
  • Objectives of FP
  • Tax and its types

Fiscal Policy of Pakistan MCQs

1.       Fiscal policy of Pakistan deals with _____________?

a.       Taxes

b.      Expenditure

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

2.       Taxes and Expenditure are the main element of the ___________?

a.       Revenue Policy

b.      Fiscal Policy

c.       Economic Survey Policy

d.      NOT

3.       Which of the following is/are the tools of Fiscal Policy?

a.       Taxation

b.      Government spending

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

4.       There are ______ types of Fiscal Policy?

a.       1

b.      2

c.       3

d.      NOT

5.       Name the types of fiscal policy_____________?

a.       Neutral Policy

b.      Expansionary Policy

c.       Contractionary Policy

d.      AOT

You can also check the mcqs of Functions of FBR

6.       __________ Fiscal policy is implemented for the sake to boosts the economy?

a.       Expansionary fiscal policy

b.      Contractionary fiscal policy

c.       Neutral fiscal policy

d.      NOT

7.       If the government lowers the taxes and enhance spending, then it is following __________ fiscal policy?

a.       Contractionary FP

b.      Expansionary FP

c.       Neutral FP

d.      NOT

8.       Which type of fiscal policy is implemented during recession?

a.       Neutral FP

b.      Contractionary FP

c.       Expansionary FP

d.      AOT

9.       ___________ Policy is undertaken when an economy is in equilibrium?

a.       Expansionary FP

b.      Neutral FP

c.       Contractionary FP

d.      NOT

10.   Which of the following type of FP the government spending is fully funded by tax revenue?

a.       Expansionary FP

b.      Contractionary FP

c.       Neutral FP

d.      NOT