The Return of the Native

11. Hardy’s novel “The Return of the Native” not only focuses on characters and their social life but also focuses on the importance of locations; for example, Paris has been described as a/an ……..location in the novel.

a)  Old

b) Glorious

c) Thickly Populated

d) Hot

12. The main female character in the novel is Eustacia who deliberately falls in love with …….with the intention to escape from Heath.

a) Charley

b) Wildeve

c) Clym

d) Diggory

13. In the novel, Thomasin begets a baby girl whose father is …….

a) Clym

b) Timothy Fairway

c) Christian Cantle

d) Wildeve

14. In the novel “The Return of the Native”, the marriage of Eustacia, and Clym is very significant. The couple settles in a ………five miles away from their native home.

a) Cottage 

b) Hut

c) Camp

d) Canopy

15. Eustacia marries Clym with the thinking that they will settle in …….where she would enjoy a luxurious life leaving behind a hated life in Heath.

a) London

b) German

c) Paris 

d) Italy

16. Reading through the novel, ” The Return of the Native”, a reader comes to know that Eustacia and Clym are not a suitable match; contrary to Eustacia’s desires, Clym prepares for a new career as a ……………….

a) Lawyer

b) Police officer

c) Schoolmaster

d) Chemist

17. A reader shows great favor to Clym who pays too much attention to study and becomes almost a……..

a) Scholar

b) Journalist

c) Mad

d) Blind

18. Reading through the novel “The Return of the Native”, a reader comes to know that Heath is a wild, mostly open tract of the countryside, and …….populated by humans.

a) Thickly

b) Thinly

c) Not

d) Rarely

19. The symbolism assumes great importance in Thomas Hardy’s novel; for example, during an eclipse of the moon……….proposes Eustacia for marriage.

a) Clym

b) Wildeve

c) Charley

d) Susan

20. The chapter……. in the novel is very significant in which Thomas Hardy describes Eustacia’s physical features, background, and ambitions.

a) 8

b) 7

c) 6
