The Return of the Native

31. In the novel “ The Return of the Native” the ……… very significant. Many characters in the novel avail themselves of………

a) Oratory

b) Poetry

c) Anger

d) Disguise

32. In Captain Vye’s house, a……… falls into well; Sam looks for a rope to draw out ……from the well.

a) Ball

b) Goat

c) Bucket

d) Sword

33. Thomas Hardy had written ……..novels before he wrote the most popular novel” The Return of the Native”

a) Five

b) Six

c) Seven

d) Eight

34. Despite Thomas Hardy has created a masterpiece of English Literature in the form of ” The Return of the Native” he had to face difficulty in finding a publisher due to controversy………

a) Events

b) Themes

c) Dialogues

d) Statements

35. The magazine that started publishing “ The Return of the Native” in episodes was basically of …………..

a) Social issues

b) Lifestyle

c) Fashion and amusement

d) Custom and rituals