Most Important MCQs about Oedipus Rex

Q.31  What happens to Oedipus at the end of the play?

a)      He becomes king again

b)      He goes into exile

c)      He dies

d)      He regains his sight

Q.32  How does the chorus react to the events of the play?

a)      They celebrate

b)      They mourn and offer wisdom

c)      They revolt

d)      They remain indifferent

Q.33    Who are Oedipus’ children?

a)      Antigone, Ismene, Eteocles, and Polynices

b)      Antigone, Ismene, Haemon, and Creon

c)      Ismene, Haemon, Polynices, and Eteocles

d)      Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and Polybus

Q.34    What was Oedipus’ reaction to Teiresias’ accusations?

a)      He accepted them calmly

b)      He angrily denied them

c)      He ignored them

d)      He laughed at them

Q.35  Who takes over the throne of Thebes after Oedipus?

a)      Creon

b)      Teiresias

c)      Polynices

d)      Eteocles

Q.36  What does Jocasta do with her life after the truth is revealed?

a)      Commits suicide

b)      Flees the city

c)      Remains queen

d)      Marries Creon

Q.37    What does Oedipus promise to do if the murderer of Laius is found?

a)      Reward him

b)      Banish him from Thebes

c)      Kill him

d)      Imprison him

Q.38  How did Laius try to avoid his fate?

a)      By leaving Thebes

b)      By praying to the gods

c)      By abandoning Oedipus as a baby

d)      By killing his wife

Q.39  Who reveals to Oedipus that he is adopted?

a)      Teiresias

b)      The Corinthian messenger

c)      Creon

d)      The shepherd

Q.40  What is Oedipus’ ultimate fate in the mythological story beyond “Oedipus Rex”?

a)      He dies in exile

b)      He regains his throne

c)      He is forgiven by the gods

d)      He becomes a god

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